Sun, 8 May 2016
Back from the edge of pod-cancellation, Comics on Wheels presents my drive to and from Free Comic Book Day comic shop adventures. I review Sensational Spider-Man ('96) #1 and the Captain America: Civil War movie along the way. (24:48)
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Sun, 8 May 2016
In this episode, I talk about Illuminati #5, Amazing Spider-Man ('15) #8, Star Trek (IDW) #56, and Peanuts vol.2 #30. (13:01)
Direct download: atticoffuturepresent1.mp3
Category:Attic of Future Present -- posted at: 7:58pm EST |
Sat, 30 April 2016
Comics of My Youth: Part 34 of 100. In this chapter, I look at some non-Marvel, non-DC titles: Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future #1; The Real Ghostbusters #1, 2; and Super Goof #71, 72. I also talk about former cover-featured comic Mickey Mouse Free Comic Book Day 2007. Finally, I talk about some recent reads: Web of Spider-Man #101, Ectokid #3, Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #2, and Captain America Annual #8. (39:29) And the rest:
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Sun, 24 April 2016
-- posted at: 5:36pm EST
Fri, 22 April 2016
Comics of My Youth Part 33 of 100. In this chapter, I look at Visionaries #1-3, 5, and Super Friends (Super Powers reprint) comic. Also, I talk about recent finds and give an update on my methods of choosing back issues to buy. (33:19)
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Fri, 22 April 2016
An introductory episode for a new podcast devoted to talking about new comics. I also look at Cyborg #9. (9:28)
Direct download: atticoffuturepresent0.mp3
Category:Attic of Future Present -- posted at: 10:42pm EST |
Fri, 22 April 2016
Taken not too far from where I live... all we need is a glimpse of the Newsboy Legion and Superman, and we're set.
-- posted at: 10:38pm EST
Fri, 22 April 2016
Category:video collection
-- posted at: 10:35pm EST
Fri, 22 April 2016
Movie memories from the year 2001 part 3 of 3. (30:22)
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Sun, 3 April 2016
Comics of My Youth Part 32 of 100. In this episode, I talk about Fantastic Four #311-313, Inhumanoids #1, and G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Special Treasury Edition (and by default, G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #1). I also talk about former cover-featured comic Unknown Worlds #33. Finally, I talk about what I read in March, including the following: Brave and the Bold #157; Morbius, the Living Vampire #27; Yosemite Sam #77; Adventures in the DC Universe #4; Lobo Annual ('93) #1; Phantom Stranger ('87) #1; Thunderstrike #2; Superman ('87) #34; Extreme Destroyer Prologue #1; Classics Illustrated #5 (19th ed.); and Futures End: Grayson #1. (58:54) By default: And the others:
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