Sat, 30 September 2006
A "lost episode" episode. Featuring reviews recorded a couple months ago of Nextwave: Agents of HATE #1, 4,5; 52 #7; Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1; New Avengers #20; Eternals ('06) #1 (as well as Kirby's Eternals #6,8); Captain America ('05) #19, and Astonishing X-Men #15. I also talk about Marvel Milestone: Giant Size X-Men #1. Any cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. (25:10) |
Sat, 30 September 2006
A big old talk-fest! Among the topics: Infinite Crisis-type crossovers, the concepts of good and evil in relation to comic books, and comic news-- including opinions on extra Civil War books. Any cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. (38:51) |
Sat, 23 September 2006
Look out, this episode contains much ranting. My wife joins me to tear Civil War #4 to pieces. Also, I talk about storing and cataloging your comic collection. Any cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. (36:44) |
Sat, 23 September 2006
An all back issue review episode. I cover Breach #1, 3-5, 9-11; Heroes for Hire ('96) #13-16; Fantastic Four (v.3) #24; Starman ('88) #15, 40; Blitzkrieg #1; Avengers #371; Grendel #5; Alan Moore's Writing for Comics; Gamera #4; 100 Bullets #29; and Captain America ('02) #12. Any cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. (30:40) |
Tue, 19 September 2006
Chock full of interesting and obscure comics! I debut a new feature in this episode: Silver and Gold. In this feature, I talk about Superboy #142 from 1967. Also, I have a new review of Agents of Atlas #2 and an explanation of the name of the podcast. After that, I do back issue reviews of I (heart) Marvel: Masked Intentions #1, Jack #1, Mr. T and the T-Force (no number), Green Hornet #9 (I misspoke in the episode), and The Man-Eating Cow #1. Finally, I talk about the first comic I ever owned, Amazing Spider-man #202, and the comic that hooked me into buying comics, Transformers #12. Any cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. (37:37) |