Sun, 26 December 2010
Invasion #3 from DC Comics. Whe I was a kid, I walked into the grocery store one day with my family, and there on the magazine rack inside the door was Invasion #3. I hadn't seen the first two issues before that (not that I recall, anyway), and this one made my young jaw drop. All those heroes on the cover! All those heroes inside! United to face a global threat of alien invasion! So many ill in a full page shot of hospital beds! I would hunker down there beside the rack and flip through the pages, so excited about this comic. As I said, the magazine rack (more like shelves) was right beside the entrance to the store, and I remember many times hunched there getting a blast of cold air whenever someone entered the store in winter. I don't know if this was one of those times, but if it was, I wouldn't have noticed as entranced as I was. I have since bought issues 1 and 2, but as yet haven't read them.
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 7:35pm EST
Sun, 26 December 2010
Outlaws of the West #84 from Charlton Comics. This was probably my first western comic; if not, it was my first Charlton western comic. This issue was given to me (or traded for something) by a friend of mine back in grade school. It's one of my favorite comics merely because of the memory/nostalgia of it; I remember little about the contents. What stuck out to me at the time was the details of the Charlton printing when this comic was made: the colors were a bit blotchy and the bottoms of the pages sometimes had serrated cut patterns. I also remember the western dialect used in the stories was heavy. Overall, probably not a great comic, but it'll always stick in my mind affectionately.
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 7:24pm EST
Sun, 5 December 2010
In this introductory Extra episode, I mention some recent buys, I am asked if "they still make comic books anymore," and I recommend a new podcast by a Comic Book Attic listener: Kirby Your Enthusiasm. (5:26) (Comic pictured is a recent dollar buy). |