Fri, 23 August 2013
(2013) 135. Infinity #1 136, 137. Thunderbolts #12, 13 138. G.I. Joe Special Missions #6 139. Thor: God of Thunder #6 140-142. X-Factor #259-261 143. Uncanny Avengers #10 144. Captain America #9 145, 146. Indestructible Hulk #11, 12 147. Atomic Robo and the Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur #2 148. Threshold #4 149. Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2 150. Scarlet Spider #20 151. Fantastic Four #11 152. Avengers Arena #13 153. Wolverine #8 154. Secret Avengers #7 155. Justice League of America #7 156. Batgirl #23 157. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #24 158. Fearless Defenders #8 159. Uncanny X-Force #10 160. Uncanny X-Men #10 161, 162. Wolverine and the X-Men #31, 34 163. X-Men #4 164. Morbius: The Living Vampire #8 165. Cable and X-Force #13 166. Thunderbolts #14 167. Avengers Assemble #18 168. Avengers #18 169. Nova #7 170. Daredevil #30 171. X-Men Legacy #15 172. Venom #39 173. Amazing Spider-Man #699.1 174, 175. Superior Spider-Man #1, 16
(Past) 176. R.E.B.E.L.S. #3 177. The Twisted Tantrums of the Purple Snit #2 178, 179. Green Arrow (2011) #7, 9 180. Planetary/The Authority: Ruling the World #1 181. Planetary #1 Special Edition 182. Star Masters (AC ) #1 183, 184. Top Dog #3, 6 185, 186. Kafka #1, 2 187. Animism #1 188, 189. Tales of Terror #2, 7 190. Reid Fleming: World’s Toughest Milkman #3 191. Superman/Batman #9 192, 193. Planetary #22, 23 194. Taskmaster (2010) #1 195-203. Robin #89-97 204, 205. Batwoman #10, 11 206-210. Iron Man (1968) #18, 69, 72, 80, 82
-- posted at: 2:16pm EST
Wed, 14 August 2013
(from 2013) 57, 58. Cable and X-Force #11, 12 59. The Legend of Luther Strode #6 60. Young Avengers #8 61, 62. Hunger #1, 2 63. Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1 64. Wolverine #7 65. Iron Man #14 66. Thunderbolts #7 67. Injustice: Gods Among Us #1 68-70. Scarlet Spider #13, 15, 19 71. All-New X-Men #15 72. Avengers A.I. #2 73. Wolverine and the X-Men #33 74, 75. Hawkeye #2, 3 76. Hawkeye Annual #1 77. Detective Comics #23 78. Green Lantern #23 79. Wonder Woman #22 80. Batman Incorporated #13 81. Trinity of Sin: Pandora #2 82. Justice League of America’s Vibe #6 83. Justice League Dark #22 84. Aquaman #22 85. Justice League of America #6 86. Batman: The Dark Knight #22 87. Avengers #17 88. Uncanny X-Force #9 89. Fearless Defenders #7 90. Atomic Robo and the Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur #1 91. Uncanny X-Men #9 92. Atomic Robo Presents Real Science Adventures #9 93. Transformers: Regeneration One #93 94, 95. The Lone Ranger #15, 16 (Past) 96. Cyclops #1 97. Nemesis #4 98-100. Rush City #1-3 101. Death3 #1 102, 103. JLA #18, 19 104. Green Arrow (2011) #6 105. Super Goof #35 106. Triumphant Unleashed #1 107. Nightwing (1996) #2 108. Saucer Country #2 109-111. The H.A.R.D. Corps #9, 14, 15 112. Pilot Season: 39 Minutes #1 113. Pilot Season: Forever #1 114. They Were Chosen to be Survivors #3 115-127. Robin #76-88 128. Reid Fleming, World’s Toughest Milkman vol.2 #1 129. Batwoman #8 130. Resurrection Man (2001) #5 131. Harbinger Files #1 132. G.I. Jackrabbits #1 133. CyberRad #5 134. CyberRad vol.2 #1
-- posted at: 8:06pm EST
Wed, 7 August 2013
(From 2013) 1. All-New X-Men #14 2. Nova #6 3. Fantastic Four #10 4. Detective Comics #22 5,6. FF# 9, 10 7. G.I. Joe Special Missions #5 8. X-Men #3 9. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #192 10. G.I. Joe #6 11. Scooby Doo, Where Are You? #34 12. Batman #22 13. Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1 14. Batgirl #22 15. Spongebob Annual Size Super-Giant Swimtacular #1 16. Guardians of the Galaxy #5 17. The X-Files Season 10 #2
(Past) 18-31. Robin #34-42, 44, 56, 59, 72 32. Pilot Season: Asset #1 33. Batman Annual #23 34. Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #173 35. The First #2 36. Warlock (2004) #2 37-40. Time Breakers # 1-4 41. Detective Comics #654 42. The Adventures of Superman #427 43. Grim Leaper #1 44-48. Tom Strong #15, 17-19 49. Tom Strong’s Terrific Tales #8 50, 51. Azrael #27, 28 52-54. X-Men: Colossus Bloodline #1-3 55. Awesome Holiday Special #1 56. Amazing Spider-Man #258
-- posted at: 12:14am EST
Tue, 6 August 2013
In this episode, I talk about Incredible Hulk #323 and other Hulk memories. Also, in other collected recordings, I talk about what I've been reading, a comic shop visited, and more. (29:53) Links: |
Sun, 4 August 2013
While you are waiting for a new comic book podcast from me (one of which is currently recorded, but in several unedited pieces), you can hear my review of Reagan's Raiders #1 from Solson Comics on Podcast X episode 199. You will also find a review of issue #2 by the host of Podcast X, T. Mafia. Check it out. It's easily one of the most godawful comics I've ever read.
-- posted at: 7:52pm EST