Sun, 25 February 2007
In this episode: Recent finds. News about episode 50. Talk about Civil War #7. Ghost Rider movie. Reviews of Western Gunfighters #32, Ghost Rider(1967) #6, and Kid Colt, Outlaw #121. Listener feedback. (32:27) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. |
Sun, 25 February 2007
A "lost episode" episode with unaired segments from last July, including then-new reviews of Uncanny X-Men #476, Civil War #3, X-Factor #9, Civil War: Frontline #3, Thunderbolts #104, She-Hulk #9, Eternals #2, Transformers: Infiltration #6, and Justice League of America #0. Also, back issue reviews of Star-Spangled War Stories #142, 144, 148, Masters of the Universe: The Shard of Darkness trade, Fantastic Four(vol.3) #18, Gambit #10, and Dr. Peculiar #1. (33:48) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. |
Mon, 19 February 2007
My wife joins me for a (late) Valentine's Day episode discussing old DC romance comics, namely Girls' Romances #108 and Super DC Giant #S-21. (40:44) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. |
Wed, 14 February 2007
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 4:21pm EST
Wed, 14 February 2007
Hi, all! Yes, there is indeed a V-day episode ready to go. However, you will have to wait until next week because I haven't enough space to post it til then... unless someone out there would like to give me money to pay for more space on libsyn. Well? How about it? =sigh= Very well. Next week it is. But hey, the wife guests, so it is garunteed fun.
-- posted at: 4:05pm EST
Tue, 13 February 2007
A "lost episode" episode featuring a review of Supreme Power #1 (special edition). Also, an account of comic-buying on my honeymoon last year with a review of Top 10: Forty-niners. I end with a big ole song by my friend Dan. Any cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. (29:22) |
Fri, 9 February 2007
Here, in Captain America #224, Cap goes through disorientation as his face seems to have changed, his memory is whacky, and he has some painful bumps on his arm... what has happened? This issue, when I was a kid, was so odd and offbeat, that it took several reads to straighten out the flashbacks (a hazard of being a kid and knowing nothing). But, this was one of my first comics, and it has a striking cover. We also get a guest appearance from the Avengers (did I ever mention that I love Beast as an Avenger?). This would have been my first Cap comic too.
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 11:46pm EST
Thu, 8 February 2007
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 11:15pm EST
Wed, 7 February 2007
-- posted at: 3:13am EST
Wed, 7 February 2007
A silver and gold review of Nation-Wide's 1951 Captain Atom #2 and some listener feedback. Any cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. (27:07) Just Another Fanboy: |