Sat, 18 September 2021
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 3:15pm EST
Wed, 20 February 2019
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 7:25am EST
Wed, 20 February 2019
Video I put together for one of my band's songs, using footage from my favorite movie, Savage Streets (1984).
Having a little fun at a cat's expense...
An outdated look at my video collection in 2016:
Snow 2014:
2015 Horseshoe Curve, PA:
Glimpse of old Lincoln Hwy fragment in PA:
Strasburg 2012:
Promo video for one of my band's albums:
Zoo in Baltimore:
More outdated looks at my movie collection, from 2017: and 2018:
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 7:20am EST
Thu, 5 March 2015
Sun, 14 June 2009 introduction
Sun, 14 June 2009 JJ's funny video on the way to Boston
Sun, 14 June 2009 another youtube appearance
Wed, 15 July 2009 in case anyone was curious (or hadn't already assumed)... ORIGINALLY POSTED ON THE ATTIC ENIGMATIC BLOG, OCTOBER 24, 2008. No, I'm not going to argue politics, but I have no problem letting folks know who gets my vote.
Wed, 15 July 2009 videos that made today a happy day ORIGINALLY POSTED ON THE ATTIC ENIGMATIC BLOG, DECEMBER 21, 2008. Thrown shoes-- 300 style... or Matrix Style... Radiohead Scotch Mist in-studio performance: or Thom Yorke being funny: Possibly the one food I miss the most: The best illusion in the world: An awesome song: What I want in my home someday: Boston Legal on Scientology: Finally! Someone who knows how to make a speech!
Wed, 15 July 2009 links of possible interest ORIGINALLY POSTED ON THE ATTIC ENIGMATIC BLOG, DECEMBER 21, 2008. Here are a few links for anyone interested: My very first webpage, created in college around the late '90s, I believe: My comic book podcast: My movie podcast: My band's website: or myspace page: My myspace page: I'm also on Facebook. Look me up!
Thu, 23 July 2009 more youtube fun My favorite TV themes as mentioned in episode 10: original Doctor Who: X a sampling of all the Doctor Who themes: Knight Rider X Buffy the Vampire Slayer (music without actual theme visuals): X And one favorite theme I forgot: Boston Legal (unfortunately sped up a tad): And just for fun, here's a video from one of my favorite bands, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Episode 11 is done and will be available soon. Sat, 15 August 2009
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 9:45am EST
Thu, 5 March 2015
Arcade Fire- "The Suburbs" Pacha Massive- "Don't Let Go" The Helio Sequence- "Keeps Your Eyes Ahead" Ana Tijoux- "1977" Connie Price & The Keystones- "Double Dutch" Some Hear Explosions- "It's Our Time Now" Ennio Morricone- "L'estasi Dell'oro" remixed Dead Confederate- "The Rat" Jessica Lea Mayfield- "Our Hearts are Wrong" Doves- "Kingdom of Rust" Charles Bradley and the Menahan Street band- "Stay Away" X Broken Social Scene- "7/4 (Shoreline)" Calibro 35- "eurocrime!" X The Highlighters band- "The Funky 16 Corners" Metric- "Youth Without Youth" Radiohead- "Staircase"
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 9:27am EST
Thu, 5 March 2015
Mon, 21 June 2010 meal #9
Sun, 11 July 2010 meal 9 upgrade
Thu, 14 October 2010 The Cinematic Attic page returns! That's right, folks. I have revived the separate libsyn page for The Cinematic Attic. Why? As much as I didn't want to realize it, my interest in film has become almost equal to my interest in comics. I have a lot of great ideas for new movie podcasts, youtube vids, and other content. It just feels right for me to have a page devoted to lots of comic podcasts (The Comic Book Attic), a page for all the movie podcasts, and a page for a variety of other podcasts. The trinity of Mike, if you will. I am in the process of migrating all the Cinematic Attic content that was exclusive to this page to its rightful home, As the items are moved, I will be deleting them from The Attic of Babel page. If all the content moving of the past year has confused and frustrated anyone, I apologize. I think this will finally straighten it all out.
Sat, 29 September 2012 new additions for The Attic of Babel
Wed, 7 November 2012 victory
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 9:10am EST
Thu, 5 March 2015
Sun, 13 December 2009
Mon, 18 January 2010 podcast updates
Mon, 25 January 2010 more cooking ...and a bridge Meal #4 Meal #2 redux Meal #3 practice One lane blind bridge that I cross everyday
Tue, 23 February 2010 podcast news Just a quick update on the podcasts: A lot of the new podcast ideas announced when this page began are on indefinate hold. Also, the postscript podcast companion for The Comic Book Attic is up in the air. I have, however, thought of two more podcast ideas that I would like to add to the list of potentials: Paperback Attic, a podcast spotlighting older, forgotten paperback genre novels, and VHSoteric, a podcast spotlighting obscure, perhaps forgotten films that have never seen a DVD release. ...And, yes, that second one doesn't have the word "attic" in it, but I couldn't resist the awesome "VHSoteric" name. The Cinematic Attic will be taking off, with episode -4 out now, and episodes 15-18 recorded and in need of editing. With episode 16 onward, JJ joins as co-host/sidekick.
Sun, 18 April 2010 more food Meal #5 Meal #6 Meal #7
Sun, 9 May 2010 meal #8 I swear I will do something without pasta next time. Meanwhile, here's meal #8:
Mon, 21 June 2010 rain forest area of National Aquarium, Baltimore Video from my vacation.
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 9:03am EST
Thu, 5 March 2015
Thu, 5 November 2009 short videos of a recent visit to Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo
Wed, 18 November 2009 buy the music of Adam Taylor
Mon, 23 November 2009 chef mike
Mon, 23 November 2009 wtf?! I mean, seriously: wtf?!
Mon, 23 November 2009 some common sense
Mon, 23 November 2009 anyone know where I can get this wonderful food? is it no longer in existence?
Mon, 23 November 2009 for Adam Taylor "merch"
Mon, 23 November 2009 again, common sense
Mon, 23 November 2009
Mon, 23 November 2009
Mon, 30 November 2009
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 8:38am EST
Thu, 5 March 2015
Fri, 24 April 2009 Welcome Welcome to a new podcast project by the lunatic responsible for The Comic Book Attic, The Cinematic Attic, The Stereoplanetary Attic, and The Attic Enigmatic. This page will host any and all podcasts that do not fit under the auspices of one of the above podcast pages. Here are some of the ideas for upcoming podcasts: Attic of the Unknown: a podcast about the unexplained. Attic of a Thousand Canvases: a podcast looking at works of art. The Attic of Forgotten Tales: a podcast reading and commentary of forgotten, public domain novels. The Attic Reading Room: a podcast about books. Attic Audio Theatre: a podcast playing old radio shows. Attic Web: a podcast about interesting and/or weird stuff found online. Sat, 13 June 2009 announcement concerning this page and the Attic podcasts I have had to rethink and restructure the podcasts I do in terms of cost and time. As of this writing, I have five libsyn accounts (including this one), and only one of them takes decent advantage of its account space. As libsyn prices go up and available time to record podcasts fluxuates, I've had to consider an alternative to the five account situation. The Attic of Babel was created to function as a place for many different podcasts that you could subscribe to separately through the splitfeed category option. This originally did not include podcasts that already had their own account pages. This will no longer be the case. With the exception of The Comic Book Attic (which will stay as it is, where it is), all other podcasts by me will be housed here at The Attic of Babel account site. Over the next couple months, I will be moving all content (episodes, blog entries, etc.) of The Cinematic Attic, The Attic Enigmatic, and The Stereoplanetary Attic here. They will reappear in the chronological order of their original posting date. Their original posting date will be noted, as well as all comments that were left on the original blogpages. When all content has been transferred from those three sites, the original blogpages and feeds will be deleted. When all is said and done, there will only be two libsyn account sites for Attic podcasts: The Comic Book Attic and this one. I apologize for any inconvenience. With luck, this will streamline and centralize my podcasts while saving me a bit of money in the process. Mike Pindell
Sat, 15 August 2009 my old razor cell phone
Sat, 15 August 2009 prehensile hair This video is a couple years old...
Sat, 15 August 2009 all my podcasts are now on this page...
Tue, 22 September 2009 nightwalk in Brookline
Thu, 24 September 2009 psychotic flyswatter Mike
Fri, 30 October 2009 podcast news In an effort to make The Attic of Babel even more a one-stop place for all my podcast and blog content, I will be doing two things: 1. Moving (a bit at a time) all The Comic Book Attic blog and podcast content here. This doesn't mean that the CBA page will go away, nor does it mean that the content will be deleted from the CBA page; I'm just going to back-up that content here. (Even if I wanted to combine the pages, there's soooo much content on the CBA site, it's going to take years to catch up with the present.) 2. Move the little content there is on the Fulton County Library podcast page over here as well, and then clone-post the new content here from now on. This podcast and blog content will probably not interest more than a local audience, but it's a podcast I do; therefore, it is included.
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 8:21am EST
Fri, 27 February 2015
Wed, 28 October 2009 Fulton County Library Podcast This is a placeholder for the link to the podcast page for the Fulton County Library here in McConnellsburg, PA. It contains mostly local info concerning the library and may not be of any interest to anyone who doesn't live nearby. But hey, it's a short podcast I get paid to do every week, and at the very least, you might find out what new books are out there for you to find at your own library.
Fri, 30 October 2009 Welcome to the Fulton County Library podcast and blog! Welcome to the official podcast and blog of the Fulton County Library. Check here regularly for audio podcast announcements and other content. You can also subscribe to receive the audio podcast directly to your computer through iTunes or the podcast catcher of your choice.
Fri, 30 October 2009 Book Club Tonight (Originally Posted Oct.28) Tonight at 6:30pm, the Fulton Co. Library's book club discusses the book The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells. Here's a chance to hear Wells speak in a rare audio clip of Orson Welles talking to H.G. Wells.
Fri, 30 October 2009 Book Club's next book to be The Amber Room
Sat, 5 December 2009 Book Club's Next Book
Mon, 18 January 2010 read more about The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Wed, 10 February 2010 The next book club selection For the book club's next meeting, the discussed book will be The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Is there something to the secret, or is it a bunch of hooey? Find out on Feb.24 at 6:30pm at the library.
Mon, 28 June 2010 Discussion group The discussion group for June has been post-poned to July 21. The topic is favorite movies. The group meets at the library at 6:30pm.
Wed, 22 September 2010 Discussion Group meeting Tonight's discussion group meeting has been post-poned until October 6, 2010.
Category:babel blog
-- posted at: 10:32pm EST