Sat, 9 July 2016
In this episode, I talk about the oddball comic The Adventures of Patoruzu. Also, I look at former cover-featured issues World of Wheels #25 and the Modern reprint of #23. (16:15)
(434) |
Mon, 4 July 2016
Comics of My Youth Part 38 of 100. In this chapter, I talk about Superboy #146, Land of the Giants #5, Life with Archie #163, Booster Gold #6, and Brave and the Bold #195. (18:52) (433) |
Mon, 4 July 2016
Not the usual episode as I talk about ten years podcasting. (23:05)
(432) |
Mon, 4 July 2016
What I've been watching. (23:04)
Direct download: cinematicatticscreeningroom21.mp3
Category:TCA Screening Room -- posted at: 8:03pm EST |
Mon, 4 July 2016
Movie memories from the year 2002, part 2 of 3. (17:35)
(430) |
Mon, 4 July 2016
In this episode, Dan and Mike talk about the horrible grammar of local UFO reports! Mike talks about his experiences visiting supposedly haunted places! More tangents are had than a trigonometry class! "Jazz" becomes a winning word for Mike in the Apostrophe Z game! This podcast contains language that your momma wouldn't like... and that's pretty much Dan's fault. Enjoy! (59:45)
Direct download: atticoftheunexplained3.mp3
Category:Attic of the Unexplained -- posted at: 7:46pm EST |
Sat, 2 July 2016
Category:video collection
-- posted at: 12:53am EST
Sat, 2 July 2016
G is for Ghost Rider #7. (10:12)
(428) |
Fri, 24 June 2016
Some recent comic book gifts from England. A look at Superman: The Secret Years #3 and Earth X #0,1. (22:06)
(427) |
Fri, 10 June 2016
Comics of My Youth Part 37 of 100. This time, I look at five more issues of Silver Surfer (vol.3) with #7-11. (18:51) (426) |