Fri, 28 August 2009
In this episode, I review Eclipse's Airboy #s 1, 2, & 3. I also talk about DC's 1974 The Shadow issues 5 and 6. (13:41) No YouTube video this episode. Videos will be attached to future episodes only if I have the time. |
Tue, 18 August 2009
Recent finds. A ComicsConfusion segment on Marvel's Crusaders and DC's Crusaders. A Run With It! segment looking at Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #s 38, 39, and 41. (27:08) No YouTube video this time. |
Tue, 11 August 2009
The Comic Book Attic is officially 3 years old today! Celebrate by reading an old comic.
-- posted at: 9:59am EST
Tue, 4 August 2009
In this episode, I look at the Ziff-Davis 1953 G.I. Joe #27. Also, I talk about how I prioritize my back issue buying. Finally, I give a quick rundown of what the 1970s Marvel Value Stamps were all about. (20:26) |
Wed, 29 July 2009
My drive home from the comic shop, including a quick review of Fantastic Four #569. Also, I gush and rave about Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy. (26:29) |
Sun, 26 July 2009
In this episode, I take a look at The Comic Reader #167 and present a ComicsConfusion segment on Two-Gun Kid. Also, a giveaway and a song. (23:27) |
Tue, 7 July 2009
I present a Silver Age Superman segment on Superman #153. I also have a Brave and the Bold Run With It! epilogue segment on Brave and the Bold #120, as it features Batman AND Kamandi in one crazy issue. Finally, some recent finds, including the book Supermen! The First Wave of Comic Book Heroes 1936-1941. Oh, yeah-- and JJ lurks in the background... (22:28) |
Tue, 7 July 2009
In this short negative-numbered episode, I run down my pull list and remind you all of the podcasts that can be found in The League of Comic Book Podcasts. (9:01)
Direct download: comicbookatticnegative15.mp3
Category:The Comic Book Attic -- posted at: 10:38pm EST |
Thu, 18 June 2009
If you were a kid in the 70s/80s, book and record sets were fun because everytime you heard a chime it gave you permission to turn pages. How authoritarian! Of course, the only thing better than a book and record set was a COMIC book and record set. When I was very young and listening to my grandparents' big floor model record player, I'd occasionally get comic book/record sets to listen to. At some point, someone gave me Star Trek: Passage to Moauv, and I enjoyed listening to it many times. I probably haven't heard it since I was a kid, but it is still stored with my collection, joined by many other comic book/record sets. Considering my later love of Star Trek, this one deserves to be dug out of storage and re-experienced. If you'd like to experience some of these sets (and find mp3s of the records), here's a link you might want to try:
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 2:00pm EST
Thu, 18 June 2009
It was also fun to see semi-obscure characters given something to do, as U.S.1 (from his own short-lived series), Razorback (from old Spidey comics), Blonde Phantom (a golden age character), and Xemnu the Titan (the old Marvel monster who also appeared in issue of Incredible Hulk and The Defenders) all played a part in the tale. I couldn't afford to keep buying this title at the time, but I have since sought out and read most of the rest of Byrne's She-Hulk issues. He worked on #1-8, then took about 20 issues off before returning to do another 20 issues.
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 1:40pm EST