Sun, 1 March 2015
Comics of My Youth Part 8 of 100. In this episode, I talk about Thor #383, 388-390, and Avengers Annual #16. (34:16) |
Sat, 28 February 2015
From 5/5/10 Listen for all the latest announcements and new books. Also, Five Minute Mysteries. Hosted by Mike Pindell. (6:59) |
Sat, 28 February 2015
From 4/27/10 Listen for all the latest announcements and new books. Also, Five Minute Mysteries. Hosted by Mike Pindell. (6:41) |
Sat, 28 February 2015
ORIGINALLY POSTED ON MARCH 2, 2009. Featuring Mike, Dan, and JJ. Song: "the song that does not exist" Discussion of "the song that does not exist" and "roughshod." Song: "firelight and frostbite" (17:37) This podcast contains some language you may find offensive... if so, please get a life.
Direct download: the_stereoplanetary_attic_2.mp3
Category:The Stereoplanetary Attic -- posted at: 9:35pm EST |
Sat, 28 February 2015