Mon, 11 December 2006
Nearly all the books I'm about to mention are superhero titles, which is not indicitive of my overall reading tastes. I like everything from the most unheard of indie comics to Uncle Scrooge. My heart just grew up with superheroes... and you may be able to tell that I grew up Marvel... but I did read an indie trade in the past couple weeks that I enjoyed: the first volume of Stylish Vittles. Currently on my pull list: Justice League of America, Justice Society of America, X-Factor, Captain America, Fantastic Four, New Avengers, & Astonishing X-Men. Limited series on my list: 52, Civil War, Civil War: Front Line, Agents of Atlas, All New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z, and Nextwave: Agents of HATE. I recently dropped Thunderbolts and She-Hulk in order to add Comics Revue magazine, which reprints old newspaper strips. I predict another drop or two as I want to buy more back issues from the golden and (mainly) silver age... Comics I am currently buying off the stands for a short time only for various reasons: Amazing Spider-man (for Civil War), Eternals (limited series), Fables (I'm going to get trades instead), and Newuniversal (I just want to see what Ellis does with it-- especially Spitfire, my favorite of the old New Universe). I've also picked up some random reads, like the Marvel Milestones: Ultimate Spider-man, Ultimate X-Men, Microman, & Mantor special (mainly for the 2 golden age reprints) and The Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe. Also, I got Annihilation: Nova #4 because I heard it contains the death of Quasar, who I like. Yes, it does contain that, much to my chagrin and dislike. I regularly get Wizard and Comics Buyer's Guide. Back issues I read recently: Legion of Superheroes #280 & 281 (from 1981). Currently in the middle of these books: the second volume of Stylish Vittles, a stack of Plastic Farm issues, and the huge Incredible Hulk #100 (present series). I am still forgetting a lot, but it's late.
-- posted at: 11:28pm EST