Fri, 8 December 2006
This is a new feature for the blog page to try to give it some original written content. I will be running down my comics purchases for the day/week whenever I feel like sharing. These are not reviews, but there may be notes of interest. On Wednesday, I stopped at Borders and bought Amazing Spider-man #536. Somehow JJ (sometime guest of the show) had this comic days before it was out at my local comic shop. Either my shop got a late shipment or whatever gas station/grocery store/bookstore he bought it from has good connections... I also decided to sample the new Richard Donner co-written Action Comics #845. I will review this on the show because new Attic correspondent Pat has sent me an audio review of the previous issue. Today, I got my new books: The Official Handbook to the Invincible Universe #1, Newuniversal #1, Agents of Atlas #5, 52#31, and Justice Society of America #1. I also drove to my favorite back issue store and picked up The Mighty Crusaders (the outrageous 1960s series) #3, Marvel Two-in-One #35 (Skull the Slayer! I've been looking for this one), and (insert drum roll) Detective Comics #359-- the first appearance of the Barbara Gordon Batgirl! I got that in a tattered, but otherwise decent condition for $6.50. That is why I love this store... Any cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders.
-- posted at: 4:31pm EST