Sat, 9 May 2015
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 9/11/13
This podcast is the new place to hear about what I've been watching. (23:05)
Direct download: thecinematicatticscreeningroom1.mp3
Category:TCA Screening Room -- posted at: 11:18pm EST |
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 8/7/13
What I've been watching... (38:25) |
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 5/18/13
What I've watched in the first 2 1/2 months of 2013. Please forgive the audio glitches during the second half of the podcast. (40:02) |
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 3/30/13
Concluding what I watched through the end of 2012. (21:24) |
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 2/27/13
What I watched through the end of 2012, part 1. (40:33) |
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 11/26/12
What I've been watching. (12:38) |
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 10/4/12
What I've been watching. (32:21) |
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 8/22/12
What I've been watching. (35:47) |
Thu, 30 April 2015
From 7/10/12 What I've been watching. (46:46) |