Tue, 14 October 2014
I ramble through what I read in September, including a look at Justice League of America #203-205. Also, I talk about All in Color for a Dime. (25:11) |
Mon, 6 October 2014
An important announcement. A look at the recent comics posted on the Some of My Favorite Comics blog feature: Web of Spider-Man #1, Spectacular Spider-Man #139, and Marvel Tales #206. A rundown of what I read in August. (23:00) |
Sun, 5 October 2014
What I read in September 2014 138 comics: 2014 comics: 1. Amazing Spider-Man #6 2. Hawkeye #20 3. All-New Invaders #9 4. Guardians of the Galaxy #18 5, 6. All-New X-Men #31, 32 7-9. Avengers 34, 34.1, 35 10. Original Sin #8 11. New Warriors #9 12. Captain America #24 13, 14. Fantastic Four #9, 10 15. Uncanny X-Men #25 16. Spider-Man 2099 #3 17. Astonishing Spider-Man (Panini) #13 18. Edge of Spider-verse #1 19. Amazing X-Men #8 20. Iron Man #25 21. Origin II #1 22. Spongebob Comics #36 23, 24. Atomic Robo and the Knights of the Golden Circle #2, 3 25-27. G.I. Joe: A Real America Hero #204-206 28. Miracleman #9 29. Superman Unchained #8 30. Inhumanity: Superior Spider-Man #1 Older comics: 31, 32. Mysterious Strangers #1, 2 33-59. Iron Man #208-211, 234, 237-241, 248, 249, 253, 255, 256, 259, 260, 262-265, 271, 283, 288, 291, 292, 297 60-63. Fantastic Four #321-324 64-69. Conan the Barbarian #172-176, 178 70. Conan Annual #8 71. Woody Woodpecker #186 72. The Miss Adventures of Jello-Man #1 73. The Kid-Its #1 74. Blood Syndicate #1 75-83. Detective Comics #648, 684-691 84. Newuniversal #3 85. The Human Powerhouse #1 86, 87. Classic Popeye #11, 13 88. Huey, Dewey and Louie, Junior Woodchucks #12 89. Pitt #1 90. Spider-Man Noir #3 91. Spider-Man: Reign #1 92. Spider-Man: The Official Movie Adaptation (Wal-Mart Edition) #1 93. Guardians of the Galaxy (’90) #2 94-100. Spider-Man 2099 #11, 12, 18, 30, 33, 40, 44 101. Ravage 2099 #3 102. Adventures of Superman Annual #1 103. Winter Soldier #19 104. Spider-Man: Redemption #1 105, 106. New Mutants #85, 86 106, 107. Marvel Comics Presents #49, 52 108. The Story of Inflation #nn 109. Our Army at War (’10) #1 110. Doc Savage: Devil’s Thoughts #1 111-121. Avengers #301, 303, 309, 331, 332, 349, 354, 357, 358, 362, 367 122. Adventures of Superman #446 123-127. Justice League of America #201-205 128. Supergirl (’96) #3 129, 130. West Coast Avengers/Avengers West Coast #7, 68 131. Savage Hawkman #2 132. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Book of the Dead 2004 #nn 133. Manhunter (’04) #2 134. newuniversal 1959 #1 135. Nevermore #4 136. Team Titans #2 137. Deathstroke the Terminator #15 138. Tex Taylor: Draw or Die, Cowpoke! #nn
-- posted at: 7:53am EST
Thu, 2 October 2014
A special just-prior-to the Death of Superman episode, looking at Action Comics #684 and Superman: The Man of Steel #19 with news reports from the event. Also, a report of my visit to the Baltimore Comic Con. (30:17) |
Mon, 29 September 2014
-- posted at: 12:45am EST
Sun, 14 September 2014
What I read in August 2014, 133 comics:
2014 comics: 1. Robin Rises Omega #1 2. Multiversity #1 3. Hawkeye #19 4. The Superior Spider-Man #32 5. Batman and Robin #33 6. Iron Man Special #1 7, 8. Spider-Man 2099 #1, 2 9. Trees #4 10. Nova Special #1 11. Guardians of the Galaxy #17 12. Fantastic Four #8 13, 14. All-New X-Men #29, 30 15. Amazing Spider-Man #5 16. Star Trek #36 17. Avengers #33 18-20. Original Sin #3.3, 3.4, 7 21. Nova #20 22. Uncanny X-Men #24 23, 24. Spongebob Squarepants Comics #34, 35 25. Captain America #23 26. Rocket Raccoon #2 27. New Warriors #8 28. Legendary Star-Lord #2 29. Justice League United #4
Older comics: 30. Archie’s Activity Comics Digest Magazine #1 31. Dark Reign: The List-Hulk #1 32, 33. Superman Annual #2, 3 34. Saga #13 35. Charlton Bullseye #1 36. The Battle for Survival #nn 37. All-Star Squadron Annual #1 38. Starman (’88) #1 39. Solar, Man of the Atom #1 40-43. Star Trek: Voyager: Splashdown #1-4 44. Star Trek Year Four: Enterprise Experiment #1 45. Star Trek/X-Men #1 46. The Marvel Family #83 47. Conan The Cimmerian #0 48. Blasters Special #1 49-51. Justice League of America #193, 194, 198 52. Iron Man/Captain America ‘98 53. Star Trek: The Next Generation (mini) #3 54-58. Starman #16-20 59-61. All-Star Squadron #4-6 62-68. Alpha Flight #2, 4-8, 11 69, 70. Valor #5, 6 71, 72. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #8, 14 73-78. Superman: The Man of Steel #1-5, 19 79-90. Action Comics #658-660, 665-671, 684, 879 91-95. Batman #493, 502, 505, 506, 703 96-102. Superman/Adventures of Superman #472, 475, 479, 484, 498, 682, 684 103-112. Superman #42, 49, 50, 53, 56-61 113-133. Detective Comics #649-651, 656-659, 661, 664, 667, 668, 670-674, 677, 680-683
-- posted at: 3:13pm EST
Sat, 13 September 2014
In this episode, I include the segment I did for the Podcast X podcast on Reagan's Raiders #1. I also talk about some comic shops visited in Baltimore. Links: For the review of Reagan's Raiders #2, visit episode 199 of Podcast X: http://podcastx.blogspot.com/ Cards, Comics and Collectibles Alliance Comics in Federal Hill is unfortunately no longer in business. (27:56) |
Fri, 15 August 2014
The Comic Book Attic's first official podcast was released eight years ago on August 11, 2006. While the output has slowed and evolved and branched out, I'm happy to still be recording my humble little audio bits. Thanks to everyone who listens.
-- posted at: 8:56pm EST
Sun, 13 July 2014
It's a Spider-Man-themed episode, with a look at The Amazing Spider-Man #156 from 1976, plus a few words about reading lots of Spidey comics, and-- hey! I've moved to Baltimore! (25:50) |
Sun, 15 June 2014
Spider-month Part 3 of 3: Marvel Tales #206 So yes, this is a reprint book-- mostly. And, to their shame, in years prior to this issue, Marvel often abridged their stories for reprint titles without the public’s knowledge. (This happened all over in Marvel Tales, Marvel’s Greatest Comics, Marvel Double Feature, Marvel Super-Heroes, etc.) By the time I started buying this title, fortunately, that awful practice was left behind. Why collect a reprint title and not the current Spidey books? Because they were old stories. I loved the old comics even then. Much of that was because I liked them, much of it was because I didn’t have access to the older stories on my negligible income at the time, and much of it was because I was such a fan of Marvel Saga, a book that chronicled older Marvel. This is probably the first issue of Marvel Tales I bought off the rack, continuing a few issues later when they were running a bunch of Punisher appearance reprints. I also enjoyed that they would often run new material in the form of a Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham back-up feature, which this issue did. What drew me to this issue, however, was a grand tale reprinting Marvel Team-Up #70 about the struggle of the X-Men’s Havok with The Living Monolith (both of whom I love). Throw in Thor and art by John Byrne, and it’s a party. The most memorable thing about my experience buying this comic was that I bought it on a family shopping outing to another county one night. On the drive home, when I would normally read my comics, it was getting too dark to read. I would use the headlights of the cars behind us to read the comic. Because we were on a highway, the cars would often pass, and I’d have to wait for the next car’s lights to read what happened next. What a way to prolong the suspense! Anyway, years later, I bought the original MTU issue as well as a paperback black and white reprint of this story, with panels rearranged to fit the small book. Both items are living happily in my collection with this issue of Marvel Tales.
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 9:09am EST