Tue, 23 December 2014
Happy Holidays! Promotional Comics Spotlight podcast returns with a look at The Christmas Adventure, a 1963 promo comic from McCrory's. (10:09) |
Sat, 20 December 2014
Comics of My Youth Part 3 of 100. I take a look at some of the first Iron Man issues I bought as a kid, issues #213-217. (24:45) |
Sun, 7 December 2014
Comics of My Youth Part 2 of 100. In this installment, I look at some of my first Marvel kid comics, including Peter the Little Pest #3 and five first issues from the Star imprint: Planet Terry #1, Heathcliff #1, Strawberry Shortcake #1, Top Dog #1, and Wally the Wizard #1. (22:34) Cover of Peter the Little Pest here. |
Sat, 6 December 2014
My annual account of Black Friday comic buying. (11:25) Comic pictured is one of a heap of back issues purchased on Black Friday. |
Sun, 23 November 2014
Comics of My Youth Part 1 of 100. In this episode, I talk about the influence of the four "secret story" books: The Fantastic Four: The Secret Story of Marvel's Cosmic Quartet, Spider-Man: The Secret Story of Marvel's World-Famous Wall Crawler, The Incredible Hulk: The Secret Story of Marvel's Gamma-Powered Goliath, and Captain America: The Secret Story of Marvel's Star-Spangled Super Hero. Then, I talk about three Big Little books: Spider-Man Zaps Mr. Zodiac, The Incredible Hulk Lost in Time, and The Fantastic Four in the House of Horrors. (21:44) I'm releasing this episode early due to the Thanksgiving holiday and Black Friday comic shopping that will consume this week. Have a great holiday, everyone.
Sat, 22 November 2014
With minimal fanfare, I reach episode 150. I talk about my origins in the actual practice of collecting comics, as well as my current collecting system, with a spotlight on the book Collecting Comic Books by Marcia Leiter. Also, I talk about what I've been reading in November, with a super-quick review of Asterios Polyp and Grant Morrison's book Supergods. Oh, and Dan and JJ say hello... (30:29) |
Sat, 15 November 2014
I talk about comics I bought that were released Nov. 5... while driving. (13:42) |
Sat, 8 November 2014
Some observations on four ways comic series have ended up missing issue numbers. My comic reading in October. (24:37) |
Fri, 31 October 2014
A happy Halloween to everyone. I have for you a series spotlight on The Witching Hour, including a look at #46. Also, scary comic-related sound bits concluding with the scariest of all: a news report of a comic shop's closure. (31:25) |
Fri, 24 October 2014
In this episode, I take a look at True Comics #48 from 1946. (17:58) |