Mon, 26 April 2010
I talk about Firestar #1 ('10). (11:46)
Direct download: comicbookatticnegative18.mp3
Category:The Comic Book Attic -- posted at: 10:48pm EST |
Fri, 23 April 2010
This is a placeholder link to my other podcast/blog page, The Attic of Babel.
-- posted at: 4:45pm EST
Thu, 22 April 2010
I plan on adding more comic book themed podcasts to this page. Some may be segment spin-offs (like maybe a Run With It! podcast), others will be new ideas (like a podcast on Marvel's alternate Earths or a podcast on anthropomorphic animal comics or a podcast paying tribute to deceased comic creators, etc.). That's all the info I have at this point, and I don't want to announce a bunch of things I never deliver. I am, however, hoping to deliver at least one new podcast next week (fingers crossed). This will require me to go into the category listing of all the CBA episodes and change them from "podcasts" to "The Comic Book Attic" so that I can categorize the new ones appropriately.
-- posted at: 6:01pm EST
Sun, 18 April 2010
In this episode, I run down some recent finds, look at the 1950/51 promotional comic Joe the Genie of Steel, and talk about why I buy so many comic books. (25:58) |
Fri, 16 April 2010
It's always fun to discover something I didn't know existed. Found this 1977 Challengers prose novel at an antique shop for $4 today.
-- posted at: 8:57pm EST
Sun, 11 April 2010
From 2009/2010: 1. Action Comics #887 2. Adventure Comics #8 3. Avengers: The Initiative #34 4. Blackest Night: JSA #3 5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer #33 6. Captain America #604 7. Dark Avengers #15 8. Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1 9. First Wave #1 10. Flash: Rebirth #6 11. Green Hornet #1 12. Green Lantern #52 13. Guardians of the Galaxy #24 14. Haunted Tank #3 15. Justice League: Cry For Justice #7 16. Justice Society of America #36 17. The Marvels Project #7 18 &19. Mighty Avengers #34, 35 20. New Avengers #63 21. Nova #35 22. Siege #3 23. The Stuff of Legend (Free Comic Book Day issue) 24. Supergirl #51 25 & 26. Superman #697, 698 27. Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #1 28. The Torch #6 29. Transformers: Bumblebee #4 30. Uncanny X-Men #522 31. Wednesday Comics #2 32. X-Factor #203
The rest: 33. Adam Strange Special (2008) #1 34. Annihilation: Silver Surfer (2006) #2 35. Between the Cracks (2003) #4 36 & 37. Captain Marvel (2000) #9, 11 38. Catwoman: When in Rome (2005) #6 39. Futurama Returns (2007) mini-comic 40. Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such (1995) #1 41. Justice Society of America (1991) #1 42 & 43. Silver Surfer (vol.3, 1990) #42, 43 44. Silver Surfer: Dangerous Artifacts (1996) #1 45. Stupid (1993) #1 46- 48. Sub-Mariner (2007) #4-6 49-53. Suicide Squad (1988) #21-25 54. Young Avengers (2005) #4
-- posted at: 4:14pm EST
Sun, 21 March 2010
JJ joins me in this episode. I describe the oddball comic that is Popeye and Business and Office Careers #E-10 from 1973 (with some thoughts on promotional comics); JJ and I talk about Fantastic Four #275; and finally, we briefly discuss superhero toys. (27:27) |
Wed, 10 March 2010
In the midst of a spam-'splosion on this blogpage, I have turned on comment moderation. I will begin weeding out the already posted spam a bit at a time.
-- posted at: 8:25pm EST
Mon, 1 March 2010
What I read in February...
From 2009-2010: 1&2. New Avengers #61, 62 3. The Transformers: Bumblebee #3 4. Blackest Night: JSA #2 5. Action Comics #886 6. Superman #696 7. Blackest Night #7 8. Blackest Night: The Flash #3 9. Justice League: Cry For Justice #6 10. Captain America: Reborn #6 11-14. Superman: World of New Krypton #4, 5, 6, 12 15. Justice Society of America #35 16. New Mutants #10 17. Dark Avengers #14 18. Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13 19. Siege #2 20. Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #3 21. Suicide Squad #67 22. Secret Six #16 23. Nova #34 24. The Torch #5 25. Buffy the Vampire Slayer #32 26. Justice Society of America Annual #2 27. Superman: Secret Origin #4 28. The Phantom Stranger #42 29. Weird Western Tales #71 30. The Question #37 31. The Atom and Hawkman #46 32. Catwoman #83 33. The Power of Shazam #48 34. Adventure Comics #7 35. Captain America #603 36. The Perhapanauts: Molly’s Story (Special) #1 37&38. Guardians of the Galaxy #22, 23 39&40. Justice League of America #41, 42 41&42. Green Lantern #50, 51 43&44. Supergirl #49, 50 45. Atomic Robo and the Revenge of the Vampire Dimension #1 46. Titans #19 47. Marvel Boy: The Uranian #1 48. (X-Men) Second Coming: Prepare #1 49&50. Fantastic Four #575, 576 51&52. X-Factor #201, 202 53. Ms. Marvel #50 54. Domo: The Manga (Diamond mini-comic) 55&56. Deadpool #19, 20 57&58. Avengers: The Initiative #32, 33 59. Thor #606 60. The Marvels Project #6
The rest: 61-65. Starman (1995) #5-9 66&67. The Defenders (1972) #3, 12 68. Wild Knights (1989) #7 69. The Unexpected (1976) #175 70. Zero Assassin (1996) #4 71. The Dark Detective: Sherlock Holmes- The Ghost of Mary Shelley Preview (2008) 72. Toyboy (1987) #3 73. Superboy (1965) #123 74-76. Hercules (1982) #1, 3, 4 77&78. Hercules (1984) #3, 4 79. House of Mystery (1982) #306 80. Howard the Duck: The Movie (1987) #3 81. Popeye (and Business and Office Careers) (1973) #E-10 82. Dune (1985) #3 83. Justice League of America (1973) #106 84-87. The Huntress (1989) #1-4 88. Suicide Squad (1988) #20
Trades: 89. Atomic Robo Vol. 1: Atomic Robo and the Fightin’ Scientists of Tesladyne
-- posted at: 11:04pm EST
Sun, 7 February 2010
It's the snowed-in edition of The Comic Book Attic! Along with a Silver Age Superman Spotlight on Superboy #123, I talk about The Defenders #s 3 and 12, Toyboy #3, The Unexpected #175, and Wild Knights #7. (41:22) |