Sun, 11 April 2010
From 2009/2010: 1. Action Comics #887 2. Adventure Comics #8 3. Avengers: The Initiative #34 4. Blackest Night: JSA #3 5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer #33 6. Captain America #604 7. Dark Avengers #15 8. Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1 9. First Wave #1 10. Flash: Rebirth #6 11. Green Hornet #1 12. Green Lantern #52 13. Guardians of the Galaxy #24 14. Haunted Tank #3 15. Justice League: Cry For Justice #7 16. Justice Society of America #36 17. The Marvels Project #7 18 &19. Mighty Avengers #34, 35 20. New Avengers #63 21. Nova #35 22. Siege #3 23. The Stuff of Legend (Free Comic Book Day issue) 24. Supergirl #51 25 & 26. Superman #697, 698 27. Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #1 28. The Torch #6 29. Transformers: Bumblebee #4 30. Uncanny X-Men #522 31. Wednesday Comics #2 32. X-Factor #203
The rest: 33. Adam Strange Special (2008) #1 34. Annihilation: Silver Surfer (2006) #2 35. Between the Cracks (2003) #4 36 & 37. Captain Marvel (2000) #9, 11 38. Catwoman: When in Rome (2005) #6 39. Futurama Returns (2007) mini-comic 40. Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such (1995) #1 41. Justice Society of America (1991) #1 42 & 43. Silver Surfer (vol.3, 1990) #42, 43 44. Silver Surfer: Dangerous Artifacts (1996) #1 45. Stupid (1993) #1 46- 48. Sub-Mariner (2007) #4-6 49-53. Suicide Squad (1988) #21-25 54. Young Avengers (2005) #4
-- posted at: 4:14pm EST