Sun, 22 June 2008
A Holy Crap! review of Superman Meets the Quik Bunny. Some recent finds. A Run With It! segment featuring Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth #10, 11. A quick visit by J.J. (35:42) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. |
Sun, 1 June 2008
Contest. Run With It! segment on The Brave and the Bold #68 and Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth #9. (24:06) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. |
Sun, 1 June 2008
Promo sent in by Bruce Rosenberger. Thanks, Bruce! |
Wed, 21 May 2008
(From Archie... Archie Andrews, Where Are You Comics Digest Magazine #12, Nov. 1979) Okay, I know what he's trying to say, but... wow.
-- posted at: 9:59pm EST
Sun, 18 May 2008
Here's a link back to the earlier blogpage covershot of Amazing Spider-Man #202:
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 10:25pm EST
Sun, 18 May 2008
Recent finds and I talk about Manhunter (1988) #5, New Beginning #2, and Teen Titans Spotlight #12. (27:29) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. Baltimore's Comics Kingdom |
Sun, 18 May 2008
I've arrived at a final thought on the current status of Iron Man and the Marvel Universe. I think my new outlook on the MU has taken my "laid-back podcaster" label to new levels of laid-back-ed-ness. It's all gravy, folks, and I have seen the glory of the mashed potatoes... (22:15) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders.
Direct download: thecomicbookatticnegative6.mp3
Category:The Comic Book Attic -- posted at: 8:03pm EST |
Sun, 18 May 2008
I must once again issue my manifesto against those who think they are owed or entitled to something from my podcast. Regular friends of the CBA need not concern yourselves with the first half of the podcast. After that, it's time for the Silver Age Superman review of Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #104. (49:30) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. |
Mon, 12 May 2008
-- posted at: 7:28pm EST
Mon, 28 April 2008
Here's the last list of reads I'm posting. Thus ends April also.
61. The Lone Ranger #2 (2006) 62. Wolverine #44 (2006) 63. Avengers Classic #3 64. Countdown Presents Lord Havok and the Extremists #2 65. Young Avengers #6 66. Fantastic Four #547 67. The Order #2 68. Ms. Marvel #3 (2006 series, also for the next three) 69. Ms. Marvel #9 70. Ms. Marvel #10 71. Ms. Marvel #26 72. Justice League of America #20 (2008) 73. Thor #8 (2008) 74. Countdown #2 75. Countdown #1 76. Hulk #3 (2008) 77. Mighty Avengers #12 78. Marvel Two-in-One Annual #7 79. Green Lantern Corps #23 80. Spider-Man Team-Up #1
-- posted at: 8:14pm EST