Wed, 18 May 2016
Comics of My Youth Part 35 of 100. In this chapter, I talk about Thundercats #1, 2, 4, 6, 7. Also, I look at former cover-featured comic Batman #80. (24:08)
(417) |
Wed, 18 May 2016
In this long-overdue episode two, Mike and Dan talk about those moments of pause that made them take notice of certain unexplained phenomena. Main topics include UFOs, ghosts, and Bigfoot. In the course of the conversation, Mike recounts the creepy things that have happened to him. (1:29:28) Some language may not be safe for oversensitive ears.
Direct download: atticoftheunexplained2.mp3
Category:Attic of the Unexplained -- posted at: 11:12pm EST |