Sun, 18 May 2008
Here's a link back to the earlier blogpage covershot of Amazing Spider-Man #202:
Category:favorite comics
-- posted at: 10:25pm EST
Sun, 18 May 2008
Recent finds and I talk about Manhunter (1988) #5, New Beginning #2, and Teen Titans Spotlight #12. (27:29) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders. Baltimore's Comics Kingdom |
Sun, 18 May 2008
I've arrived at a final thought on the current status of Iron Man and the Marvel Universe. I think my new outlook on the MU has taken my "laid-back podcaster" label to new levels of laid-back-ed-ness. It's all gravy, folks, and I have seen the glory of the mashed potatoes... (22:15) All cover images are copyright their respective copyright holders.
Direct download: thecomicbookatticnegative6.mp3
Category:The Comic Book Attic -- posted at: 8:03pm EST |