Wed, 10 January 2007
Here's a couple more links I am adding mainly to make my page-jumping easier. If it helps you too, all the better. myspace: comicspace: Yes, I am on comicspace. I have been since its first week or so. Come visit. Episode 32 should feature a review of a platinum age issue! Also, I should be talking about some wacked-out ads from some 1980s Charlton comics. Stay tuned for that. Did anyone else see the podcast homepage images on Captain America's viewscreen in Civil War #6? There were images of Comic Geek Speak's page, plus a Golden Eagle Comics logo. Also visible was the Bullpen Bulletins podcast page (naturally!). Here's a link to that podcast: And that reminds me of the Distinguished Competition's podcasts, which can be found at Also, check out this comic blog: And finally, as I state at the end of my shows now, please do your part to educate folks and stop global warming. We're in denial to the severe threat we face. Visit
-- posted at: 12:33am EST