Fri, 4 May 2007
9. Captain America(v.4) #8 10. Captain America(v.4) #15 11. Captain America(v.4) #18 12. The Flash(Wally) #199 13. The Flash(Wally) #205 14. The Flash(Wally) #217 15. The Ultimates #13 16. Uncanny X-Men #439 17. Uncanny X-Men #442 18. Uncanny X-Men #443 19. Justice League of America('06) #8 20. 52 #52 21. Astonishing X-Men #21 22. The Outsiders('85) #1 I'm also posting with this the pic of myself that's on my comicspace page... it's 3 years old... I hope to post a few more pics of me so that you may recognize me and shower me with presents... (please?)
-- posted at: 10:13pm EST