I have returned from OK. I got back late Saturday. I've been recovering and playing catch-up at work. A new show will appear sometime this week...
Meantime, check out The Comic Podcast Crossover #14 on the Komicskast podcast page for a segment by me on a superhero movie I'd like to see.
Due to the long vacation, I got to read a crapload of comics. So, for July, here's what I've read so far (now with years added for better clarification!):
1. Captain America (2007) #27
2. Justice League of America (2007) #10
3. Countdown (2007) #45
4. The Untold Origin of Ms. Victory (1989) #1
5. Iron Man (1969) #12
6. The New Teen Titans (1980) #4
7. The Brave and the Bold (2007) #4
8. Z (1994) #1
9. Z (1995) #2
10. Z (1995) #3
11. Life With Archie (1980) #218
12. The Ferret (1993) #1
13. Supreme: The Story of the Year (trade, 2002)
14. Who's Who in The Legion of Super-Heroes (1988) #1
15. Archie's Jokebook Magazine (1973) #190
16. Life With Archie (1983) #237
17. Transformers: Movie Prequel Free Comic Book Day Edition
(2007) #1
18. The Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century (Free Comic
Book Day Edition) (2007) #1
19. The Legion of Super-Heroes (1983) #306
20. Tales From Riverdale Digest (2007) #18
21. Tigra (2002) #4
22. JSA Strange Adventures (2004) #1
23. JSA Strange Adventures (2004) #2
24. Helmet of Fate: Detective Chimp (2007) #1
25. Free Comic Book Day (2007, Dark Horse)
26. Avengers Icons: The Vision (2002) #3
27. Karate Kid (1976) #4
28. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1977) #233
29. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1977) #235
30. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1977) #237
31. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #244
32. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #245
33. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #246
34. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #251
35. The Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #282
36. The Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #283
37. The Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #285
38. The Legion of Super-Heroes (1982) #287
39. The Legion of Super-Heroes (1982) #291
40. The Legion of Super-Heroes (1982) #294
41. The Spirit (1974) #6
42. Captain America (2003) #13
43. Captain America (2003) #14
44. Captain America (2003) #16
45. Last Blood (Free Comic Book Day Edition) (2007) #1
46. Whiteout (Free Comic Book Day Edition) (2007) #1
47. Vigilante: City Lights, Prairie Justice (1995) #2
48. Rose and Thorn (2004) #2
49. Batman/The Spirit (2007) #1
50. Rip Hunter... Time Master (1964) #20
51. Weird Wonder Tales (1975) #10
52. Captain Marvel (1975) #36
53. Comic Genesis (Free Comic Book Day Edition) (2007)
54. Captain America (1996) #449
55. Thor (1996) #496
56. JLA-Z (2004) #3
57. Free Comic Book Day (Spider-Man) (2007) #1
58. Free Comic Book Day (Marvel Adventures) (2007) #AA
59. Justice League America (1995) #104
60. Magnus Robot Fighter (1995) #56
61. Avengers: Timeslide (1996) #1
62. The Mighty Crusaders: Origin of a Super-Team (trade, 2003)
63. Adventures of Big Boy (1980) #278
64. Adventures of Big Boy (1980) #281
65. Adventures of Big Boy (1980) #282
66. Adventures of Big Boy (1981) #286
67. Adventures of Big Boy (1981) #292
68. Legion of Super-Heroes (1994) #61
69. Kid Colt Outlaw (1977) #220
70. Countdown (2007) #44
71. Countdown (2007) #43
Wow. This month, I think I'm going for 100 comics as a reading goal.
-- posted at: 10:23pm EST